We are the market leader within chemical injection, pumps and instrumentation

A market leader
Momenta AS is a market leader in the design and manufacturing of high-quality process solutions. We work closely with leading manufacturers of products and solutions in chemical injection, hydraulics, and instrumentation. Our focus on quality and reliability aims to provide our customers with optimal operation of their systems, along with the assurance that health and environmental considerations are being managed in the best possible way.
Momenta AS was established 1st January 2016 to serve the process market with product solutions, engineered packages and onshore/offshore service. We represent leading manufacturers from Europe and the USA, and our focus is to be a safe choice for our customers. Momenta AS is also an established supplier of system packages that include design, engineering, and manufacturing of complex process solutions. Our markets include the process industry, industrial and marine sectors, oil and gas, as well as renewable energy
Our markets
Momenta AS supplies equipment to several markets, including industrial/marine, process industry, oil and gas, renewable energy sources, and hydrogen. We deliver high-quality products and solutions tailored to each specific market. Our customized system solutions include design, engineering, and manufacturing of complex systems.
Our focus on the industrial and marine sectors is important for both Momenta AS and our product partners. We offer products, system solutions, and maintenance services.
Our products include solutions for the production of chemicals in medicine, healthcare, food, petroleum, textiles, minerals, metal alloys, and more.
Momenta AS has extensive experience and strong references in the design, engineering services, and manufacturing of complete packages for the most demanding industries.
Momenta AS places a strong emphasis on the renewable industry. We work on long-term projects and have extensive experience in the manufacturing of complete packages.
Our services
Momenta AS offers a range of services covering the design, engineering, and fabrication of systems and solutions for various industries. We specialize in complex process solutions, including chemical injection, hydraulics, and instrumentation. Our services also include onshore and offshore support, ensuring that systems operate optimally and meet the stringent requirements of the industrial, marine, oil and gas, as well as renewable energy and hydrogen markets.
Our systems
Momenta AS delivers a range of specialized systems to various industries. We offer chemical injection systems, hydraulic systems, and process systems. The chemical injection systems include precise dosing and delivery of chemicals. Hydraulic systems encompass advanced solutions for control and power transmission. Process systems cover a wide range of applications to enhance efficiency and reliability in the process industry. These systems are designed to meet the stringent requirements of the industrial, marine, oil and gas sectors, as well as renewable energy sources and hydrogen markets.
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